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Sunday 20 May 2007

I have been to the allotment a couple of times this week to try and get rid of the weeds that keep coming up and was up there quite a while yesterday. Some of my lettuces that I planted a while ago were starting to bolt. They weren't ready to be picked so I don't know why this was happening but as I didn't want them to go to waste I picked some that looked like they were just about to start bolting and have had a few salads this weekend. I don't know whether the ones that have already bolted are OK to eat. Another strange thing that has happened is one of my garlic has grown what looks like a 'bud' on the top of it (I really don't know how else to describe it) I have never grown garlic before so I don't know whether it is meant to do this. I will try and get some photos later this week. I did have a visit from a robin who didn't seem worried that I was so close to him, I hope to see him again.
I have an exam at the end of this week so I am spending a lot of time revising as I feel like I know nothing.


RobD said...

The 'bud' sounds like it's trying to flower. I think you're supposed to remove this so the plant puts all its effort into the bulb.

Debbie said...

Thanks, i'll do that tomorrow.