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Sunday 15 April 2007

I went up the allotment yesterday. I planted some lettuce plants, cucumber, courgette and marrow. I did lots of digging, it was very hot and I had forgotten to put on suncream so ended up with a red face and neck.
I have taken some photos. They are not great but give an idea of how the allotment looks. My fruit trees are looking very pretty. Two of them are cherry trees, one of them looks lovely when all the cherries are out but they are so tart that even the birds leave them alone; the other had a lot of cherries last year but they must have been sweet because the birds ate them before they ripened, I am going to try and cover it this year. The middle tree is an apple. I also have one asparagus spear, I'm not sure whether to cut it or not.
I am still trying to finish my assignment and as I only have one week left to do it I need to get a move on.
On Friday it was my nephew Adam's birthday.
Happy Birthday Adam.

1 comment:

Johnny snakeman said...

Hello Debbie
Thanks for visiting my site and thank you very much for your kind comments. I studied horticulture at Durham college of Agriculture & Horticulture in 88/89 and loved it though it was mainly ornamental stuff and not much fruit & veg.
I am bitten by the bug tho'.
Your photos look great but seriously get that blessed essay written!!