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Saturday 31 March 2007

This morning I went to my allotment to tidy my shed out. The shed was on my plot when I took on the allotment just over a year ago. It is very old - a makeshift type of shed, and full of rubbish left by the previous occupant. My mother came with me to help and to be honest I would never have got it done if she hadn't been there. We started pulling everything out of the shed and organising it into what I wanted to keep or what could go to be burnt or to the tip when we suddenly heard something moving in the shed. I'd had my suspicions that there were mice in the shed but the noise sounded too noisy to be mice and my mum took a look in and thought that she saw a rat!!! I was as far away from the shed as I could get at this point and left it to my mum to poke around in the shed with the end of a hoe, she poked in some material that was in there and there was a commotion and a squirrel jumped out and ran off into the trees on the edge of the allotments. We could hear some squeaking and realised there was a baby squirrel in the shed, it was very small and it's eyes were not yet opened. Neither of us was brave enough to deal with it and as much as I love wildlife I didn't want it to stay in my shed so went to find a friendly man on the site who moved it to the trees at the edge of the site in the hope that mother squirrel would come and get it. We then pulled all the old material out of the shed and found the nest along with another two squirrel's. So the friendly man came to help us out again. I didn't listen when he tried to tell me that squirrel's were just rats with tails! We finally managed to get the shed emptied and then what I wanted to keep put back in tidily along with the fold up wheelbarrow that I brought to replace the one that was stolen from my site. It now looks very tidy and I intend to keep it that way. I need to get back to the allotment next week so I can do some weeding.

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